Judge will not run for re-election

DETROIT – A Detroit judge’s job is on the line after the Judicial Tenure Commission recommended she be removed over a litany of alleged misconduct.

Only the Michigan Supreme Court can remove a judge, but the findings of 36th District Court Kahlilia Davis have finally come in, and the JTC says she is unfit to be a judge in their opinion.

“The allegations are stunning,” said Chief Judge William McConico of the 36th District Court. “It makes you take pause. I thought that this is not a good reflection on the 36th District Court.”

Judge Davis was suspended by the Michigan Supreme Court two years ago as complaints mounted against her.

Judge McConico urged the Judicial Tenure Commission to report its findings faster.

“I’ve personally contacted the JTC over a year ago saying that the citizens are without a judge here,” said McConico. “We have judges that are doing judge Davis’ docket. We’re having to bring in visiting judges. It’s not fair to judge Davis that this is languishing, that she’s been investigated for close to five years.”

Here are a few findings by the commission about Davis:

-Routine tardiness

-Missed days of work

-Disabled video equipment

-No court reporter

-Recorded hearing on cell phone

-Used judge status for illegal parking

“These charges are not the norm,” McConico said. “That is not what you are receiving at the 36th District Court.”

Davis is not running for re-election after her term is up at the end of the year.


By savage

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